Culver City Dog Park - Pooch Gallery arc

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Pooch Gallery arc

The Boneyard is Open from
Sunrise until 10:00 PM Daily
We Have Lights!!

If you would like to submit a photo and caption for the pooch gallery, please email it to or send it snail mail to our mailing address.

Lily really missed being at the Dog Park. She had fun at the beach, but is glad the Boneyard is open again.

Kitsu Romping

Cathy and Regis, two of the most ardent dog park supporters,enjoy the life at the Boneyard.

Captain Jac. & her trusty dog Lucky searching for the Culver City Dog Park.

All Brownie wanted for Christmas was to go to the dog park.

Kelly from enjoys herself at the Boneyard, Culver City's Dog Park

Zou Zou at home

Cali and Abby at the Boneyard

Happy Darla shares the spotlight with Gaby from Symply Grooming and Oscar from Prado Signs Inc.
(Website co-sponsored this month by Culver City businesses - Symply Grooming & Prado Signs, Inc.)

Bam Bam, whose parents own Bam Bam & Friends, is sitting pretty waiting for the Boneyard to reopen!

Aaron Lapointe and his dogs, Dirk and Cassie, would love to play at the Culver City Dog Park. Dirk is recovering from an accident and he's being honored this month by his Grandad, Bill Lapointe.

All of us at Fast Signs support the Culver City Dog Park.

Suki, Chuy, and Boris enjoyed getting some sun out on their sailboat in Catalina Island this past 4th of July.

Bella & Rocky Stack are proud sponsors of the website for June, 2007.

Shirley Lewis' puppy, Lily, (the black dog) plays with her friend Kelly at least 3 times a week at the Boneyard. Lily says: Let's play and wrestle and have fun at the park!

Honey and her human companion, Sharon, visit the dog park nearly every day. Honey loves to play with all the dogs there. Come join her!

Gracie (right) and Roxy know The Boneyard is the only Culver City park that dogs can enjoy with their owners. "The girls," as they are referred to affectionately by owner Patti Mooney, want to remind everyone who is thinking about getting a pet to visit their local animal shelter first. Gracie (adopted September 2005) and Roxie (adopted March 2006) were both already house-trained and micro-chipped when they somehow found their way to the South Los Angeles Animal Care and Control Center. Now, these two miniature poodle mixes have a "forever" home where they are happy, healthy and loved!

"No, I don't want to go home.
I want to go to the Dog Park".

Scamper and Lulu are begging to go to the dog park.

Happy Holidays to all of our supporters..
Hi, we can't wait for the new dog park to open!

From Francine.

Hi, we can't wait for the new dog park to open!

From some unnamed Chanukah doggies.

Hi, we can't wait for the new dog park to open!

Hi, I'm looking forward to going to the new Culver City Dog Park too!

Hi, we can't wait for the new dog park to open!

Hi, we can't wait for the new dog park to open!

P.O. Box 4129, Culver City CA 90231-4129
Phone: 310-390-9114, Email:

Federal Tax ID: 421560006
Secretary of State Registration #2384384
Registry of Charitable Trust Registration # 172226
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