The Boneyard is Open from Sunrise until 10:00 PM Daily
We Have Lights!!
The Friends of the Culver City Dog Park (FCCD) is a nonprofit and tax-
exempt organization committed to assisting the people of Culver City and
City of Culver City with sustaining "The Boneyard", Culver City's official
off-leash dog park. The FCCDP believes The Boneyard is a vital
community asset, and must be well-maintained and operated so that Culver
City's canine citizens and their Friends can experience a clean, safe and
vibrant environment.
The Friends of the Culver City Dog Park was established in August, 2001, with a handful of area residents. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (I.D. #42-1560006). Contributions to Friends of the Culver City Dog Park may be tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor for more information.
For further information on Friends of the Culver City Dog Park, contact, FAX 310-397-2112 or mail P O Box 4129, Culver City CA 90231-4129. All checks should be payable to Friends of the Culver City Dog Park and mailed to the address listed above.